Don't Give Up
Happy New 2025 Year!
This year is coming in with a bang. We are in a time of transition, and it is uncomfortable, to say the least. Are you feeling it? Many of us feel so overwhelmed we think we cannot take it anymore; it is just “too much.”
There is too much chaos, conflict, and too many challenges to bear. This despair may manifest in physical symptoms where we become ill with a lack of hope for a positive outcome, or we experience emotional instability where there is an inability to distinguish between reality and made-up stories, or distortions of one’s experience.
Or we feel an all-encompassing fear that the world is falling apart and that all we know that has provided our sense of security is crumbling, including our government, hospitals, schools, and financial institutions.
We don’t feel safe. We feel alienated from our families and friends whose experience of this process differs, often expressing itself in its political affiliations, causing ruptures in our relationships and deep-seated feelings of betrayal or rejection.
Yes, it is a lot! Yes, and all feelings are a part of our journey. All feelings long to be seen, felt, and processed. They may connect to something deeper in our childhood or lineage traumas. We may have suppressed our uncomfortable feelings to survive, and they are now coming to the surface for us to release.
These dormant feelings are hiding in our personal & collective psyche and have been for a long time. Our ego stepped in to support us, creating patterns of behavior, thinking, and feeling that were only trying to protect us. But they left us seeing only a fragmented piece of the whole.
As these shadowy parts surface, each a piece of the whole, tyrant and victim in their expression, we experience deep polarity within us, and between us.
If our unconscious aspects rise to the surface without our processing the feelings, we witness more destruction, alienation, devastation, suffering, and war being acted out. War only creates more wounding and trauma, perpetuating a system of injustice.
We must bring love to the disparity, separation, incongruencies, and differences in opinions. Only through love can we heal, have hope, and evolve. We must love all the pieces to bring ourselves back to wholeness, incorporating all we are.
Love is the unifying field that will give us hope, expressed in a willingness to reach toward another with kindness during this time of unraveling as we prepare for a new birth. We are feeling the labor pains of this new birth; it’s messy, overwhelming, and challenging, and at times, we want to give up.
Don’t give up. We need each other, and love, kindness, and compassion will support us during this transition.
Much Love,
Carley and John