2022-New Year, New Choices
Ok, folks, as you are reading this newsletter post, we would like you to plant both feet on the floor, sit erect, straighten your spine, shoulders back, belly open, close your eyes, take a deep breath through your nose. and go inward to the center of your being. Now take five slow deep breaths. On the inhale breath, along with oxygen to support all your cells, bring in hope, trust, promise, compassion, peace, love, and joy. As you exhale slowly through your mouth, exhale fear, doubt, insecurity, and anxiety. As you inhale and exhale, let your body soften to receive and let go of whatever it needs to find an inner balance and equilibrium. Let your heart open to receiving and expressing compassion, love, and renewed trust in the process of change.
Breathe in this new 2022 year, finding balance within, a year of integration between the past, present, and future, the yin, and yang, between what was and will be. We are at a crossroads of change. Let yourself receive support from the universe as you let go of what no longer serves you and bring within you a sense of wholeness, and the balanced strength of the heart warrior.
Now open your eyes, take a deep breath and come back to begin your day and year with a renewed sense of your place in the universe in this time of great change.
This year marks a new beginning. This year places us at a crossroads of change. Are we going to live in the past or step into the future? Are we going to cling to the past in hopes that we will return to the way life used to be or begin to envision a new way of living integrating the past and future?
2022 adds up to 6 (2+2+2=6). The number six is associated with the Lovers Card in traditional tarot. The Lovers card is about making decisions in our life that will give us the option to choose either from the head or the heart. It is the number most associated with love, family, and community.
During this new year, let us envision and make choices from the heart to bring Humanity closer together to build a new world through love and compassion. Let us engage with our heart-centered warrior selves to make decisions that honor another’s choices and still hold our truth, integrity, and love. At this turning of the wheel, we are called upon to make choices in our relationships that serve love and action to bring forth a new vision for our world. To do this, we need to create an equilibrium between our heart and head.
We are also entering the year of the Tiger in Chinese Astrology, another opportunity to bring heart and head together, for empowered heart-centered change.
Join us in navigating these changes through the variety of programs and workshops we offer. Our early bird prices for Dragon Warriorship Path and the Global Shamanic Mystery School are up soon. Register now and save.
Watch for new offerings this year! We look forward to seeing you all soon. Remember to breathe!