Call of the Whale


Dear Ones,

In 2017, a friend from Australia invited me to join her and another woman facilitator on a journey to the South Pacific Island of Tonga to connect with Humpback Whales. The Tongan waters are birthing and mating grounds for a specific population of humpback whales. Every year the females come to give birth, nurse, and raise their young until they are strong enough to make the trek of their migration. This is one of the few places humans can swim with the mother humpbacks and their babies. They allow only four swimmers in the water at a time and with a guide. It was a profound experience. On one of our excursions, the mother humpback returned to our boat and invited us back in the water to swim with her and her baby. I put on my snorkel and flippers and swam beside her in complete awe as I looked into her big blue eye and melted in her unconditional mother love and acceptance. She transmitted energy that transcended time and space. It is indescribable like an ancient wisdom of connection with all that is. It was such a profound experience that I frequently do guided visualizations with others to experience this communication with the Humpbacks.

In learning more about whales through the years, I have discovered these creatures are primordial, incredibly intelligent beings whose sound frequencies tell the story of creation. They have lived on Earth far longer than humans and are patiently supporting us as we remember our connection to nature, both the Earth and the cosmos. They swim the sea's energetic meridians opening the energy flow on Earth in their migration.

Whale fossils, over 40 million years old, were found in Wadi Al-Hitan (the Whale desert) outside of Cairo, Egypt. They were in the last stages of losing their hind limbs, which were very human like in appearance. Whales were land creatures who evolved into sea creatures changing their physiology to be efficient in the water nation.

More and more people are opening to the teachings of the Whale and Dolphin as they communicate to us telepathically and in human/whale encounters. We are learning from their genius, including how to breathe. They are conscious breathers utilizing their breath at 80%. Some say if you want to communicate with your star ancestry, connect with Whales!

In our Shamanic Warriorship Program, we listened to the call from Whale to become the first archetype in the second tier of animals we will be collaborating and co-creating with. The Whale, Elephant, Hyena, and Mountain Gorilla will work with us to bring about the new paradigm of warrior energy birthing on the planet. It is an experiential program of leadership where we realign with nature, remember our sacred contract, and consciously live from our interdependent nature. The Whale is a teacher for humans, transmitting messages for us to work in union with the natural world in unconditional love and right action.

Our Signature Program will open a gateway to live your life from a whole new perspective of the warrior energy, to see it is not about war but about developing peace within and all around you. We are learning how to bring this into our lives in our relationships with ourselves, family, friends, work, community, and the world at large. It is time we work together with the animal kingdom as co-creators supporting this rapid evolutionary change unfolding on our planet.

Our Whale Warriorship Path initiation begins on August 25th! It will be amazing! Hope to see you there.

Wishing you all a beautiful spring as you nurture and support all the new growth coming forth within you!

Carley Mattimore