Integrating Our Masculine and Feminine


Dear Ones,

More and more, we hear people talking about the integration of the masculine and feminine. It is like the hundredth monkey principle. When energy is in motion it can travel across miles in the collective field as a wave. According to this theory, it is a phenomenon whereby a new behavior or idea spreads rapidly by unexplained means from one group to all related groups once a critical mass has been reached.

Could it be that just such a moment has been reached in the understanding that we are in a process of integration of the masculine and feminine energy? That a tipping point has been achieved? When this tipping point comes, knowledge is shared in the collective field and soon more and more people have access to this in the field of plenty.

What does it mean to integrate the masculine and feminine? Within each of us is a left and right hemisphere, or as some folks refer to it, traits and characteristics of the masculine/thought/activation and the feminine/emotion/gestation. These traits are part of a whole and to be able to grow and evolve, we need both, as they are two halves of a whole.

Within each human being, are both qualities. To take it a step further, the masculine represents consciousness and the feminine is life force energy. Without life force, consciousness can’t move or grow and without consciousness, life force has no direction.

The masculine carries feminine energy and the feminine carries masculine energy. Hence, the yin yang symbol. This is the nature of the universe. A balance of receptive and dynamic energy. Without them both, we are stymied. We can’t grow. We stagnate.

At one time in our history, we held these qualities equally. Then trauma came. Lots of it. Out of trauma, fear grew into a tyrant and victim consciousness that threw us out of balance. We developed unhealthy masculine and unhealthy feminine traits. Things went chaotic in our personal and collective fields. The feminine (and masculine) suffered greatly. Each denied an aspect of themselves and repeated trauma and victimization have prevailed ever since.

We are now in a time of great evolutionary change. The sacred feminine is coming back and we are getting stronger, we are relational like we have never been before in our understanding of nature, animals and plants, our emotions, and our need for intuition, sensing, and compassion. This has grown exponentially in the last hundred years.

However, what has been missing is the sacred masculine within each of us (males and females). I believe the unhealthy masculine is coming out of the shadows and we are seeing its self-hatred from being so disconnected from its feminine nature. Its unhealthy masculine traits are screaming at us. We each have this in us. That is the nature of the yin and yang. What part of us is projecting hatred onto the men (and women) who are so disconnected from their life force? What if we recognized them as an aspect of our own healing? What would happen if we held them in unconditional love and brought them back into our psyche and said, “NO MORE” separation?

This is where we are in our integration as we heal ourselves, we will heal the world.

The fourteen women in the Fem-Mas-Cue-Lin Class have been exploring these ideas with teachings, deep group discussion, Shamanic Journeys, and Guided Visualizations.

Lots unfolding for Aahara. Hope you can attend some of our events!

Much Love and Gratitude,

Carley and John

Carley Mattimore