To Dream the Impossible Dream


Dear Ones,

These are incredibly challenging times that were predicted long ago, times of great change and upheaval. A time when old structures would fall so new ones could be built that are more in alignment with being in right relationship with each other and nature.

Many of us could not have predicted that this change would be so hard, and look so different than we might have imagined. All the good hard work of the 60s and 70’s to dream the impossible dream and right the unrightable wrong seem to be dismantled. The song the Impossible Dream was a prominent one in my adolescent vision of a new kind of world. A warrior energy for change to support a more equitable world for women, people of color, animals, children, the disadvantaged, as well as to find a way to resolve conflict without war. There was movement through the years, a few steps forward and a few back but it felt like we had made progress. And we have. We do not live in the same world we did ten, twenty, one hundred years ago or even more. The pendulum is swinging back and forth but its arc continues to swing toward justice.

The pendulum is swinging once again in reaction to the changes that are imminent to our own accelerated evolution. Fear, control, war, retraction of advances made for equal rights and justice are being dismantled. How we have fashioned our understanding of the world is dissolving. We are having to regroup, realign and restructure our own internal frame of reference to see it differently, to strive for change that will bring balance, healing, and equal rights for all.

Essentially, the out of balance masculine and feminine natures within each of us regardless of gender, are at war with each other, trying to realign. This shows up in the great divide between us and the “other,” who have become our enemy. We are having to shift perspective and build bridges at same time as we are being called to rise up for what is right for all and to do this differently. The difference being called for is to shift to doing it with love. Yes, to hold the other with compassion and understanding and still say “no” to injustice.

We are now being called to hold a much bigger container as the world goes through monumental shifts. Many of us have been preparing for this time. As we do our own personal work, we bring more of our shadow into conscious awareness. With shadow work, we come home to ourselves and integrate the healthy feminine and masculine. We are ready.

Carley Mattimore