Trusting Our Intuition


Dear Ones,

We are in Ireland as Guest Facilitators with Becky Wheeler's, Intuitive Ireland Journey. It has been an inspirational experience being here in the incredible energies of this ancient land as we deepen our relationship with our intuition.

One way this has shown up for us is in a chance encounter with a woman at the café in Kilmacurragh Gardens, a wild and beautiful garden. Someone in our group saw a woman through the window of the café, sitting at an outside table eating her lunch.

Her coloring stood out, with purple hair and a red, black and white dress against the lush green bushes and new leaves erupting from the trees, a perfect composition for a painting. On leaving, she approached this woman and asked if she could take her picture. This led to a deep sharing between these two women. The woman sitting at the table was a Shaman who had just been at a Brigid Retreat and received a Brigid cloak and asked if we wanted to receive a blessing of the cloak.

We were stunned as Brigid would be a big part of our journey here in Ireland, and we would be visiting Brigid’s Flame and Brigid’s Well!

Brigid is powerfully revered in Ireland as a saint, goddess, and archetype of the feminine sacred rebel of Ireland. She is known as a passionate advocate for social justice and peacemaking, Her essence, vision, and integrity were and still are an inspiration for all women, and an icon for women's empowerment.

We were in awe as we each stood forward in the parking lot of the Garden, as this Shamanic Woman placed the large red cape with sacred symbols of Brigid around each of our shoulders. Feeling the spiritual weight of the cape on our shoulders, we paused in reverence for this synchronistic gift on our intuitive journey. Here a door opened to support our pilgrimage through Ireland as we deeply connected to our inner guidance, trusting our feelings and listening to the whispers of our heart.

May you each be blessed as you deepen your intuitive heart,

Carley and John

Carley Mattimore