A Time for Change... Welcoming in a Powerful 2024!


Dear Ones,

We are wishing you all a Happy New 2024 Year! 2023 has been quite the year, and for many of us, we have witnessed personal and global challenges, heartbreak, loss, and shocking world events. We have also experienced incredible blessings, feelings of joy, love, pride, and personal growth. We truly are at a crossroads moving into a brand new era, the Age of Aquarius with so much hope and anticipation of all that will unfold for us.

I am reflective as I navigate this, letting go of the old year. The year was challenging up until the last minute, the holidays kicked our butt. We had hoped for a loving, beautiful Christmas with our new grandson and family. The tree was lit with colored lights; presents abound under its canopy of green branches, the fireplace aglow with warmth, warm smiles of promise for a happy holiday together with favorite foods and games galore. Then the dreaded COVID-19 descended upon us, and down we all went like dominos, one after the other hit with a bug that sent us to bed like we were each run over by a truck.

Expectations were crushed for our grandbaby’s first glorious Christmas. We had to grieve and reset our barometer as to what was important. Thankfully, he was the strongest of us all, quickly getting well. What were the gifts in the perceived ruined Christmas? It was hard to access, but we were supported by each other through the rough spots of sickness, encouraged, reassured, and held in our disappointment as we got more robust with each passing day.

We are clearing house literally and figuratively, shaking out the old 2023 frustrations, fears, doubts, and insecurities, letting the past be squeezed free of what no longer services us.

We are resetting for a brand new 2024 year of new beginnings during this time of new expansion and growth. Jupiter, the planet of expansion moves into Aquarius after 15 years in Capricorn, to bring about a new birth, and change, a whole new energy will be felt this year.

2024 is also associated with the number eight, a symbol for the energetic vibration of personal power; yes, we can reconnect with our inner strength by making choices that align with our values. It is also about sharing resources, material, and financial gain; no one needs to go it alone.

We can re-envision what is essential in our lives and in our world to create a more just, fair, and equitable world. This year is about rebirth and transformation! An eight-year also represents the link between the earthly and divine worlds; we can bring heaven to earth as we continue to claim sovereignty over our lives, trusting our inner wisdom to guide us.

As we step into this next year, we are stronger, wiser, and more reflective of how we will live our lives. We can usher in this new 2024 year with an inner power of truth to live our lives from an embodied place of love, truth, and wisdom. We can come from our hearts, letting this be our guide as we step into greater clarity of what is meaningful in our lives.

We can make a difference in the world by our small and large choices. It is one thing we can control, a power within that can honor our truth. We can choose to say “yes” to what resonates as truth, and we can say “no” to those things that are not in alignment with our truth, or that harm us and others.

We are the ones we have been waiting for; once again, we stand up to live our lives with passion, purpose, and love for this new 2024 year!

Much Love and Gratitude,

Carley and John

Carley Mattimore