Hearing the Call


Dear Ones,

Yes, we are returning to Africa! This pilgrimage will be our fourth time leading a journey to South Africa. It will be my eighth time returning to the White Lions at the Global White Lion Protection Trust after being called there in 2011 in one of my Shamanic Breathworks. Each time I have returned has informed me by giving me clarity in some way as to how to live my life and my purpose. 

The first time I went, I had no idea why I was going and felt overwhelmed by what might unfold. I was afraid I would have to do something way out of my comfort zone. I learned that it doesn't work that way. It is all about trust and surrender. Things will unfold to support us one step at a time. We don't need to have the answers. We need to follow our hearts knowing, and it will guide us as to what is next in our lives. It can be scary, but we are fully supported when we listen to the wise voice within us. It helps us take that next right step. 

A dear friend, Mandaza Kandemwa (a Medicine Man from Zimbabwe), said, "If you are called, you must go!". Those words resonate in my being now, supporting me in trusting each step of my journey through life. When I do, the Universe supports my soul's evolution. Of course, it doesn't mean it is easy. We still need to find our courage and take that leap of faith when all the voices scream, "Who do you think you are?" or "You can't afford that!" or "Something bad might happen if you do that!". We must face our fears and change the patterns of hiding who we are to feel safe. 

I will speak from my heart here.…we are at a crossroads where we are each called to be a better version of ourselves. Essentially, we need to find the courage and conviction to stop playing small, face our fears, and be leaders in our own lives. Yes, to align with love and respect for each other and all of life. The Universe is summoning us to give back to our families, communities, and the Earth. We are here now to remember we are all sentient beings, interdependent with each other in the vast web of the Universe. 

Many of us are at the fork in the road; some are somewhat conscious of this, but many are not. Yet each of us is being called and is taking those next steps whether we know them or not. We are changing. The world is changing. When we hear the whisperings of our soul to grow and expand to say "yes," we become conscious co-creators in this new birth of our planet.

We hope to see you soon!

Much Love and Gratitude,

Carley and John

Carley Mattimore