Lessons from the Ocean


Dear ones,

Lessons from swimming in the Pacific Ocean,

I love the ocean! It stirs something deep inside of me (and many of us, if not all of us), a remembrance of my origins. At several times in Earth’s evolution, there was one land mass. The first was called Vaalbara. It was surrounded by oceans, essentially salt-water amniotic fluid. It was like an embryo, growing and gestating, reaching for new birth. The salinity of the ocean is the same as the human amniotic fluid as well as the same as our tears and blood.

This late in the season, the Pacific Ocean has warmed a bit. Thus, its call to swim is more inviting to me who doesn’t like to be cold. On our last morning at the ocean, I decided to take one last plunge into her powerful waves to feel her wash over me as I met her invitation to surrender into her embrace. The initial shock of the cold begins to wane as my body adjusts to her temperature and I walk deeper into her fold, struggling initially to meet the immensity of her cresting waves. I hold myself strong, grounded in my stance to meet her ferocity as she pummels me with her power. Soon I reach the place where it is easy to dive into her before she crests with ease and grace. I feel a sense of accomplishment. Yes, even a bit of mastery. This doesn’t last long. I swim the crawl stroke a bit as I am far enough out from the cresting waves when out of the blue, I am thrown into a powerful whirlpool of energy, the water catching me in its grip. I emerge coughing with saltwater pouring from my nose and mouth.

Arggg...what was I thinking? I need to be aware of the waves coming at me! I surrender to her power. I play once again in the waves with a great deal more awareness. Then shortly after this, I see a huge wave coming at me. It is a big one. I have a choice to dive under it or meet it and ride it. I meet it and ride it, but it is so tremendous, I am thrown under the water twisting and turning with the immensity of her power, hitting the bottom, my body crashing into the sand under it. I realize she could easily obliterate me. I struggle to stand and realize if I don’t high-tail it to the shore, I will be met with another one of these waves throwing my body off center.

I decide that I have had my lessons for the day and will get to the shore to feel the solidness of the earth, to ground myself in my body. I emerge on the sand relieved and find my blanket. I lie down in its warmth, heated by the sun, to breathe deeply my gratitude, relief, and appreciation for the ocean. I am feeling the impact of this tumultuous encounter with the ocean. The energy of the experience washes over my entire energy field. What the heck just happened to me? I am definitely altered.

What are the lessons, it has taught me?

  1. When I am in the ocean, keep my wits about me. Or in life, when I am in intense and unpredictable situations, keep my wits about me. Be aware that at any moment I might be thrown off course and might have to swallow a bit of salt. And readjust.

  2. When I am in the ocean, I have a choice to ride the wave into shore or make the decision to dive into it. Or in life, when I am faced with challenging situations, I will have to choose to ride the wave of intensity or dive into it and meet it head-on. By letting myself ride its intensity, I was thrown off course and had to adjust to my center. It took several deep breaths and stabilizing myself by grounding in the earth. In life, in my relationships, and my work, I also need to breathe, ground and center when I get thrown off balance.

  3. When I am in the ocean, always respect her power. So be aware, don’t swim alone, know her tides, and watch for her signs. She is powerful beyond measure, as she has recently shown in Florida where they experienced one of the most intense hurricanes ever recorded. In life, we must also know our nature and respect each other’s nature. We must learn to work as interdependent beings showing love and respect for each other.

How are you thrown off balance in your life? How do you manage the waves of intensity that come to you? Do you ride them or jump into them? Are you taken off guard by powerful energies? How do you reset or adjust when met with a strong current?

Nature is our teacher. She always has been our teacher.

Much Love and Gratitude,

Carley and John

Carley Mattimore