A New Kind of Warrior for These Times


We are indeed feeling the rapid evolutionary shift of great change particularly in our own back yard (so to speak). 

Another catastrophic moment visited humanity with the videotaped killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer almost a year ago. This was a moment in time (9 minutes) of "I can't breathe" that broke through the veil of complacency to reveal the depth of injustice and suffering and resulted in riots and demonstrations across the USA and world. 

Yes, the pandemic set it all in motion, ripping open the very fabric of preconceived ideas of what is normal. And then our institutionalized racism pressed up against us, shattering our illusions and showing us what we could not see before. 

Then came more challenges as we faced the 2020 election and transfer of power which culminated in an attempted siege on our country's capital in January of 2021. This is the time! We are experiencing the alchemy of dissolution as the old foundations are rocked, our eyes are wide open and our hearts are activated. We cannot hide behind our excuses any longer. 

The world as we have known it is undergoing massive structural, economic and societal changes. It is both terrifying and hopeful. And we are here to support these changes and little by little things are being set in motion in new ways. New visions are being cultivated as our society is restructured. 

So herein lies an opportunity to manifest new perspectives in these collective and personal moments of vulnerability. In this seeding of change, a call is being heard by many of us for a new sacred warrior energy summoning us to midwife in these changes. This new warrior energy is one of service for the common good as a catalyst for change. It is the energy of right action to serve community, to serve all humans and all of nature through love and action. It is growing in us as we get brave enough to say "no more". 

We are all in this big soup of dynamic change to bring about a more just and equitable world that respects and embraces our differences. I will be co-faciliating an online Warriorship Path Training in October 2021 where we explore a new paradigm of energy for our world. Here we will connect with the sacred shamanic warrior that is in all of us as we explore the archetypal energies of the lion, dragon, tiger and eagle. 

Nature is our teacher and we can learn a lot from her as we come back into alignment, serving our true inner nature of love and respect for each other. 

Tenaya Wieczorek